Dear all,
I have chip tuned my DS3 1.6 e-Hdi around 2 months ago and have driven 8000km since.
Now since the chip tuning my DS3 used around half of the oil when checking.
I think this is due to the chip tuning, higher engine temperature, oil is thinner, more pressure.
But my question is, i want to get rid of the oil usage.
When i go back to the standard 92ps instead of the 111ps chip tuned
Will the oil usage stop or will it continue as it already started now..?
I am thinking of going back to stock set up if the oil usage will stop then again.
Thanks for tips!
I have chip tuned my DS3 1.6 e-Hdi around 2 months ago and have driven 8000km since.
Now since the chip tuning my DS3 used around half of the oil when checking.
I think this is due to the chip tuning, higher engine temperature, oil is thinner, more pressure.
But my question is, i want to get rid of the oil usage.
When i go back to the standard 92ps instead of the 111ps chip tuned
Will the oil usage stop or will it continue as it already started now..?
I am thinking of going back to stock set up if the oil usage will stop then again.
Thanks for tips!