Today after a trip at lunchtime, my message for service and low engine oil has started to appear once i start up the engine. I have no prompt lights permanently on.
When I got home I did the dipstick test about 30mins after parked up. Took it out, cleaned it, reinserted it, next to nothing appeared when I cleaned it again
DS3 1.6. Got 18k miles on, had just over 3years. Had it MOT couple months ago however mix up in bookings i didnt get it serviced.
I will need to get it booked in pronto.
Is any kind of engine oil ok to put in to tide me over until the service? So that I could go out quickly and buy some asda/tesco if my dad doesnt have any lurking in the garage
Today after a trip at lunchtime, my message for service and low engine oil has started to appear once i start up the engine. I have no prompt lights permanently on.
When I got home I did the dipstick test about 30mins after parked up. Took it out, cleaned it, reinserted it, next to nothing appeared when I cleaned it again
DS3 1.6. Got 18k miles on, had just over 3years. Had it MOT couple months ago however mix up in bookings i didnt get it serviced.
I will need to get it booked in pronto.
Is any kind of engine oil ok to put in to tide me over until the service? So that I could go out quickly and buy some asda/tesco if my dad doesnt have any lurking in the garage