Second DS3 I've owned and the 4th for the family. Never had issues before now but a week into having this brand new DS3 of mine I got a engine failure message crop up. took it straight to garage and they've decided it's a particulate filter issue. Obviously under warranty but just wondering if this is a fairly common occurrence? I drive a 33 mile commute to and from work over some country roads and by pass' so i get it going 50+ a fair bit of the time. And having owned the same car for the past 2 years it never happened on the old one. the message popped up when it had 125 miles on the clock. Devastating. More annoyingly it's a lease so if it's a long term repair job I'm paying for a car I've driven for 3 days. Garage have never seen it on a car this new and so are in contact with Citroen directly. Seem to be adamant not to just change the filter.
Many thanks for any information people are able to provide
Second DS3 I've owned and the 4th for the family. Never had issues before now but a week into having this brand new DS3 of mine I got a engine failure message crop up. took it straight to garage and they've decided it's a particulate filter issue. Obviously under warranty but just wondering if this is a fairly common occurrence? I drive a 33 mile commute to and from work over some country roads and by pass' so i get it going 50+ a fair bit of the time. And having owned the same car for the past 2 years it never happened on the old one. the message popped up when it had 125 miles on the clock. Devastating. More annoyingly it's a lease so if it's a long term repair job I'm paying for a car I've driven for 3 days. Garage have never seen it on a car this new and so are in contact with Citroen directly. Seem to be adamant not to just change the filter.
Many thanks for any information people are able to provide