Was up at Jamies last monday as id noticed a slight drop off in power and and some very minor unevenness.
Id had the valves walnut blasted at 23k and im now on 40k so was interested to see the valves whilst not as bad as the first time in, were significantly covered. Also the camshafts needed to be (technical term??) realigned.
So really noticed a difference on the drive home, engine very smooth again and power delivery back to how i remember after the previous blast/map and new exhaust. Also got 50mpg on the drive back down the M1/M25.
Id had the valves walnut blasted at 23k and im now on 40k so was interested to see the valves whilst not as bad as the first time in, were significantly covered. Also the camshafts needed to be (technical term??) realigned.
So really noticed a difference on the drive home, engine very smooth again and power delivery back to how i remember after the previous blast/map and new exhaust. Also got 50mpg on the drive back down the M1/M25.
