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Parking sensor problem

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  • Parking sensor problem

    Hi all

    Had my car 2 days and already have a problem with it. When I put it in reverse the parking sensors are playing up. Sometimes they bleep like there's someone right behind me and other times they don't bleep at all. Have had a warning screen come on the dash saying sensors faulty. Any ideas?

    Thank you.

  • #2
    I would believe the warning.
    Originally posted by cyclone
    It is in the handbook. Satisfied.
    Originally posted by Broda
    I would rather teabag a bear trap


    • #3
      Is the car new ?? If so get it back to wherever you bought it from and ask them to fix it

      If not, maybe find a local independent who can resolve if you're not able to fix it yourself


      • #4
        Try this

        Originally posted by steve_g View Post
        Hi All,

        I have an intermittent issue with my parking sensor/sensors at the moment, when I start the car everything appears to be working ok and if I test the sensors they all appear to work fine, however after a short journey the far left sensor (passenger side) starts to beep continuously for a few seconds as if I’m close to an object and then it says: "Parking assistance system faulty"

        I’ve just priced it up at the dealer and they quoted £150 fitted for one sensor + £48 diagnostics to determine which sensor is faulty, just curious if I could try anything before going to them? I’ve tried cleaning the sensor and there doesn’t appear to be any damage to the bumper to suggest a car park bump. As yet I haven’t had a chance to check the connections to make sure they are secure so that will be my next job.

        Any suggestions would be appreciated


        Originally posted by steve_g View Post
        Thanks for all the responses, I managed to remove the sensor I thought was at fault and gave it a quick look over, gave the contacts a quick clean and plugged it back in, seems to have cured it for now, not the end of the world if it goes wrong again but glad to know it's more of a DIY job that I first thought

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        • #5
          OK will try and clean it up. Its a 14 plate that I brought private.

