Not sure if anyone knows what's going on or if I've just chosen a lemon of a DS3. When the car is first started and cold the radio cuts out every time I change gear OR If let of the gas it also cuts out. Whilst this happens I've noticed the speedo drop from say 30 down to 25mph then it goes back up to 30. There's no loss of power when this happens. After about 5-10mins these issues go away. Any ideas?
Not sure if anyone knows what's going on or if I've just chosen a lemon of a DS3. When the car is first started and cold the radio cuts out every time I change gear OR If let of the gas it also cuts out. Whilst this happens I've noticed the speedo drop from say 30 down to 25mph then it goes back up to 30. There's no loss of power when this happens. After about 5-10mins these issues go away. Any ideas?