After brand new clutch on ds3, I noticed the reverse light and parking sensors are not working any more.Took it back to garage and they spent couple of hours in the investigation but couldn't conclude the reason for not working.
Even their expert tried to diagnose and he cannot figure out.
I want to know - is this common with DS3? has anyone experienced same problem after clutch replacement? Is garage not responsible for this?
Garage said they only unplung one switch and put it back after the clutch work and it's straight forward. They have tested reverse light switch, cabling, faults reading etc. and everything seems fine, even the blubs on reverse light.
Garage is clue less and cannot suggest anything else.
Even their expert tried to diagnose and he cannot figure out.
I want to know - is this common with DS3? has anyone experienced same problem after clutch replacement? Is garage not responsible for this?
Garage said they only unplung one switch and put it back after the clutch work and it's straight forward. They have tested reverse light switch, cabling, faults reading etc. and everything seems fine, even the blubs on reverse light.
Garage is clue less and cannot suggest anything else.