So, I've now taken my DS3 in three times due to a rattling noise near the central window column, basically in my ear whenever I'm driving. It's been lubed round the door seals (no help) and had a new seatbelt reel, which worked for about a week (although that could be lack of use that made it seem that long!)
The most recent time was a small adjustment which Citroen had instructed them to do near the anchoring point on my left hand side, near the fastener. Surprisingly enough that made nil difference. So after finally being told by the same mechanic at my local garage that he couldn't hear anything, I got him to lay in the back and listen while I drove. Now he admits that there is noise and it sounds like it could be wiring next to the rear driver's side passenger panel, which will take ANOTHER day without my car... On the upside, I think I scared him while I ragged it round the roundabout near the dealership, as I was that bl00dy angry!
Has anyone else had dealings with the helpful(!) bunch at Evans Halshaw Doncaster?
The most recent time was a small adjustment which Citroen had instructed them to do near the anchoring point on my left hand side, near the fastener. Surprisingly enough that made nil difference. So after finally being told by the same mechanic at my local garage that he couldn't hear anything, I got him to lay in the back and listen while I drove. Now he admits that there is noise and it sounds like it could be wiring next to the rear driver's side passenger panel, which will take ANOTHER day without my car... On the upside, I think I scared him while I ragged it round the roundabout near the dealership, as I was that bl00dy angry!
Has anyone else had dealings with the helpful(!) bunch at Evans Halshaw Doncaster?