Car remapped Monday, not driven until this morning and same fault code returned so back in at dealer again. I do not think fault with mapping as no other owners have issue afterwards. Once sorted will leave stock for couple of weeks to ascertain all clear before mapping again. Dave is getting me details for owner who had same issue before he touched the car.
No announcement yet.
Anti pollution fault
When i took my tuning box off I didn't notice any power loss either! Although I have the air filter system modified and the dpf removed to make up for it. When does your error appear - when accellerating under torque high revs or low revs etc?
Also be careful as they can look in the history error log and may ask you why the ecu / bsi is being initialised ie when being remapped as this is the second time - they may begin to wonder if your flashing it... just a thought..Last edited by mbartlett; 10-11-2010, 19:32.Life's too short to grow up! ;0)
Mark, both times the error started I was driving but not giving it any beans as car still cold. Dave has always said the codes are hidden and from past experiences with other Companies has always been the case. I am talking to Gareth today as he had the same problem I believe before any work done. I think mapping not the issue as other Thp owners not had problems and Dave has done 20+ himself but time will tell.
hey smudge, i am still having problems with my car since removing the tuning box... and the lexia tool amongst one other fault is the egr valve! it is not initialising! which means it may be faulty too.... i am doing some more research before taking it in... thanks for the info and will check into this further on mine.... basically egr valve and also torque regulator is the two errors im getting... i am very pissed off with viezu as when they fitted the box they had to 'adapt' the plug -by breaking it and melting part of it. When i removed it it was full of water! I am having to remove the original plug again today and blowing out the water from the socket on the car as if the plug had water in it then fitting the original plug back on will seal the water inside the socket and could have damaged the sensor as it will short out the three pins! After i have blown the water out and retested then i will know what problems i have left.
Ironically if the valve stays closed you will get better response at low revs as this is one thing i need done is to disable it... but if its faulty then this will throw up errors and effect power as your are bypassing more air into the engine that the mass air flow will not know about... I think this is what is happening with mine as my afr sensor goes through the roof intermittently... not sure yet.
Hope you get the problem sorted and keep us updated...Life's too short to grow up! ;0)
Originally posted by smudger7 View PostCar back and seems that not wiped clean, they did ask if car had been modified and I said no why? and they said just seemed faster than standard. Was the EGR valve and supposedly the first one they had back to replace.
Hopefully that should be the end of your problem. cheers, markLife's too short to grow up! ;0)
I too had this problem about 3 weeks ago. I was doing about 70 on the M40 when there was a pinging noise, lights came on the dashboard, anti-pollution faulty came up on the radio screen and I lost loads of power. Fortunately I was in the middle lane and no-one was on my inside, so I could move across to the inside lane and the hard shoulder. My speed dropped to about 45, and no matter what I did with the accelerator pedal, I couldn't go above about 1900 rpm (mine's a 1.6 diesel). I managed to limp home for the remaining 40 miles, despite it stalling twice en route. I drove it locally for another couple of days, keeping below about 45mph, with the fault light still on, fully intending to call the dealer and book it in. I then parked it up for 4 days while going away, and when I got back to the car, the fault light wasn't coming on and I thought it had sorted itself out.
Things were fine until today. I was on the M40 when it went again. Ping - loss of power - anti-pollution fault light on - in the middle lane in traffic at 70mph. I managed to pull over to the hard shoulder as I was going uphill and was down to about 35mph maximum! To cut a long story short, it took me 2 hours to do the next 60 miles to get to my Christmas destination. Sometimes it stalled every 100 yards or so when going uphill on local country roads. Now I've either got to try and limp back to London on Boxing Day bank holiday - probably avoiding the motorway! - and get it to the local Citroen dealer there, or on Wednesday morning put it into the dealer here in Banbury where I bought it from, forget about getting back to work on Wednesday and see it I can get a loan car from them to keep me mobile and get home to London.
I love my car - it's the first new car I've ever had - but I can't believe the hassle it's causing me. It's 7 months old, under 6000 miles on the clock, the windscreen washer packed up last week (I now see from the forum it's probably the 10a fuse), but now I'm beginning to doubt that I did the right thing. I've read all sorts of issues you guys have had with garages tracking down the cause of this fault, including problems with the fuel filler neck. I only mention this as both times this problem has occurred were just after I filled up, and on both time I filled up, the fuel nozzle cut off every 2-3 seconds unless I held the trigger at about 50% of full flow. Could this be connected somehow?
Any advice or recommendations anyone could give would be most welcome.....
MarkDStyle HDi
Cherry Red/Black
Chrome strips & mirrors
As mine is a thp, i wonder if i have the same problem as what the person in this thread is saying?
Thanks for that will show the dealer, am not taking back to last dealer as they have not cured it despite 3 visists and having car for ages. They have this time tried to blame it on bad fuel which wound me as up as just a cop out and would not trust manager on the phone to change a light bulb let alone be in charge of fixing the car.
A little update from me. I eventually made it to the nearest Citroen dealership on Tuesday morning, by which time the anti pollution fault lamp typically had gone off! But the first question the service manager asked me was where did I get my fuel (diesel) from. When I replied from Sainsburys/Tesco, he almost almost guaranteed that the problem was down to the use of "substandard" fuel which was causing waxing due to the cold weather and subsequent blocking of the fuel filter. He then said that if the filter needed replacing, at a cost of around £200, it would not be covered by the warranty!!! Quite how the fuel used by probably half of the UK population is substandard, I don't know. The handbook warranty pages refer to a quality rating for fuel, but I wouldn't mind betting that any fuel bought in this country HAS to be up to that standard, or it couldn't be sold. It's not as if I'd been using a few jerry cans of the stuff that were bought in Bulgaria!
But not long into my journey home on the M40, the light came on again and I had to limp 60 miles home cross country, rather than using the motorway. I then went straight to my local Citroen dealer, who were much more helpful. They had seen another DS3 with a similar problem and they too suggested it was due to waxing, but have offered to take the car in next week for some serious testing and studying of the ECU printouts by their "senior technician" no less, liaisng with Citroen UK and lasting at least a week, during which I would get a loan car. Their attitude was much more positive, even suggesting that there might be a basic design fault and it was down to Citroen to understand what the problem is and fix it.
This morning the light was off again. I'm almost scared to head off up the motorway again tomorrow, but I'll give it another go. Whether I'll get it home again first thing on Tuesday morning is another matter, given the forecast for the weekend....
I'll update with any report from the garage once I have it.DStyle HDi
Cherry Red/Black
Chrome strips & mirrors