Do you read the articles Chris? I didn't say that the expensive premium fuel you buy is the same as standard fuel, what I said was that you and others have a snobbery about supermarket fuels yet the refineries aren't owned by Tesco, Sainsbury etc....
As for how I fuel my car and use the diesel, thanks I will carry on as I have always done with diesels, I'd rather do it my way and allow the gradual dispersion of any impurities with each tank than have fuel in my car that I have convinced myself I can't use..... :confused: I have used this method for the past four diesel cars I've owned and NEVER had any issues with fuel or impurities.
As for how I fuel my car and use the diesel, thanks I will carry on as I have always done with diesels, I'd rather do it my way and allow the gradual dispersion of any impurities with each tank than have fuel in my car that I have convinced myself I can't use..... :confused: I have used this method for the past four diesel cars I've owned and NEVER had any issues with fuel or impurities.