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Diesel consumption comparison

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  • #16
    I don't tend to do less than 80 on the motorway so MPG aint the best, still much better than my old 1.4 Petrol .

    i think i might drive like a slow coach for a week and see what i get :P


    • #17
      Originally posted by sim22 View Post
      I don't tend to do less than 80 on the motorway so MPG aint the best, still much better than my old 1.4 Petrol .

      i think i might drive like a slow coach for a week and see what i get :P
      Ha, well my last car was petrol - a Rover 25 - filled up on a Sunday night and Wednesday night every week. The aim was to get it down from two fill ups to just the one. WIN! However, judging by these figures, I might be running on fumes come Sunday.

      Give it a go though, have a colleague who does more miles than me and he just bought a Mito few months before me, when he drove at my grandad speed he noticed a significant difference on the fuel consumption!


      • #18
        Originally posted by irishRob View Post
        Ha, well my last car was petrol - a Rover 25 - filled up on a Sunday night and Wednesday night every week. The aim was to get it down from two fill ups to just the one. WIN! However, judging by these figures, I might be running on fumes come Sunday.

        Give it a go though, have a colleague who does more miles than me and he just bought a Mito few months before me, when he drove at my grandad speed he noticed a significant difference on the fuel consumption!
        Rob my Dsport 110 averages around 54 MPG when Im driving on mainly dual carriageways (about 75-85 MPH) however I get nearer 60 MPG whilst on a roads on decent runs bearing in mind that the cold weather effects fuel consumption. I've done 12500 miles and in all my previous diesels they improve after between 5-8K so at around the 10K mark the MPG is at its best and should stay around the mark all the way up to around 80K (when I have had it 3 years)


        • #19
          50 since new all stop / start short runs or booting it about,,,, we have only done 1, 400 mile round trip on motorways and got 64mpg (110 hdi)
          Last edited by nufoot; 09-12-2010, 13:04.


          • #20
            The fuel consumption on my 99g used to average around 68mpg for the first few weeks. Seems to have dropped now to around 61mpg average for the last few months, which is pretty poor when the book figure for combined cycle is 74mpg. My previous C4 HDi achieved better figures than my DS3.

            My driving syle is relatively conservative, mainly done on motorways and A-roads.

            Disappointing to see that the mpg of the 99g version is no better than the 'normal' HDi. Mind you, my car does have transmission problems (that the dealer refuses to acknowledge), which could be affecting mpg.


            • #21
              Originally posted by ElRey View Post
              The fuel consumption on my 99g used to average around 68mpg for the first few weeks. Seems to have dropped now to around 61mpg average for the last few months, which is pretty poor when the book figure for combined cycle is 74mpg. My previous C4 HDi achieved better figures than my DS3.

              My driving syle is relatively conservative, mainly done on motorways and A-roads.

              Disappointing to see that the mpg of the 99g version is no better than the 'normal' HDi. Mind you, my car does have transmission problems (that the dealer refuses to acknowledge), which could be affecting mpg.

              Oh crap so my 58mpg on a 99g is not so good after all.



              • #22
                I doubt that anyone can get near to the "book" mpg figures as these are achived under strict rolling road conditions and make no concession to things like wind resistance etc, they are purely intended as a guide to relative performance between different cars. Checkout this site


                • #23
                  That’s the thing - MPG is not an exact science as everybody will drive different, use the gears different, ride the clutch, over rev, make jump box changes, load the car different, have differnet tyre pressures, etc.

                  Expecting to receive bang on "book" MPG is, to be honest, wishful thinking as the official book that is produced is a guide only.

                  Good place which I point customers too is the AA

                  *sorry if I sound harsh but I hear this moan all the time!*
                  ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
                  Bigfeet's File Repository
                  The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


                  • #24
                    My THP is getting 38.1 per tank.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Gareth View Post
                      My THP is getting 38.1 per tank.
                      Still averaging just over 42 in mine. Well chuffed.


                      • #26
                        I don't think anyone ever expects to get the 'book' figure, given the realities of everyday driving. However, if a figure of 74mpg is quoted by the manufacturer for the combined cycle, it is not unreasonable, with a sensible driving style to expect the car the to consistently achieve at least above 65mpg. In my case, an average 13mpg lower than the 'book' figure seems pretty poor to me, and is the furthest from a book figure any car of mine has ever been.

                        If I drove around like an idiot with my right foot hard down all the time, then, yes, I would expect figures something down in the region of 50mpg for this car.

                        My gripe is that the 99g is supposed to be an 'eco' car, yet it's environmental credentials in real life suggest it's no better than a 'normal' HDi, and for it's size and weight it's mpg is poor.


                        • #27
                          I see what your saying, the problem lies really with the way the Offical MPG figures are worked out. The test is done on a rolling road with engine cold to 30mph, then the second part of the test is to 75mph, the average of the two MPG is listed as the combined figure. The problem is that the test doesn't take into account things such as driver's weight, wind resistance, windows being open, etc.

                          With my years in the trade I tend to quote customers figures at least 20% less than what is pulished as I find that is the 'real world' numbers. In my mind the DS3 HDi tends to average around 50 to 55 MPG and this is what i inform my customers.

                          The thing is that I don't think any test done for MPG would ever make everybody happy but until the EU change the rules we are kind of stuck with it.

                          By the way if anybody wants to do the hard sums this is a useful website to help

                          ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
                          Bigfeet's File Repository
                          The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


                          • #28
                            Iv done 6k in my THP and according to the car my overall average is 45.7 MPG which im pretty pleased about.
                            Goes up to about 55 on the motorway but when I put my foot down and the turbo comes in the numbers just fall away...
                            '10 DSport in Black/Carmen Red 'Daisy' - Traded back in
                            '61 DSport+ in White/Black 'Poppy'
                            'We do what we must, because we can.'
                            Entropy... It's not what it used to be...


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Parafilm View Post
                              but when I put my foot down ... the numbers just fall away...
                              ... and, happily, so does the scenery!

                              After 12k miles I've now stopped compulsively checking my fuel consumption every few miles - it's much more fun to zip up & down the gearbox and leave the rest of the world in my wake.


                              • #30
                                I can get mine down to 9mpg when at full chat. What can everyone else get there's down to on a flat at 7000rpm?

