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DS3 USB Requirements

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  • DS3 USB Requirements

    Hi Guys,

    Picked up my dSport+ 110 a few weeks ago and am loving everything about it, and this group is brilliant, so hello everyone!!

    Ive been looking around this forum for the answer but haven't found anything conclusive....

    I want to use a USB stick to play music through the HiFi as using CD's all the time is doing my head in.

    Ideally I want to have all my music on one stick...but that's probably impossible so just wondering what the max. capacity memory stick the ds3 can handle and still perform well (e.g. 16 -> 64 gb) as a few sticks haven't worked so far?

    I know its got to be FAT32 format and will play Mp3s but if you could just clear things up with the size you guys use it would be great!

    Cheers everyone!

  • #2

    As much as you want I believe, I have an 8gb because I get bored easily and change it all the time. But I know Arlow has all his music on his so must have big gb stick.

    The size of the stick (lol) doesn't impact the car/playing etc.
    My DS3R3... nearly....
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    • #3
      You have touched on most of it yourself really

      The USB needs to be in FAT32 (standard format) and the size doesn't really matter, the file format must either be MP3 or WMA in order for the system to understand the files. If you have other types of files on the stick the system will just ignore them.

      It's worth pointing out that you shouldn't go crazy filling the stick with music as the more music you have the longer the system takes to index the files and also it can only index up to 999 tracks. Any more than that will not be read. Would recommend that you use either 4GB or 8GB and just put different types of selections on each stick, for example I have three, one for rock stuff, one for dance/club and the other is my 'peaceful' stick.

      Another thing to point out is KPS quality, for the car your best bet is to either go with 96k or 128k. There is no point in going higher as in the car you will not hear the difference and it just takes up space on your stick.

      Go here if you need help with iTunes -
      ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
      Bigfeet's File Repository
      The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


      • #4
        Although it will read anything I thought the stereo in the DS3 will only index 999 songs so not any real point putting any more than that on a USB stick.

        *edit he beat me to it


        • #5
          I've got a couple of SanDisk 16GB Cruzer Fit Flash Drives and they work great. Also, the flap over the USB port will almost close over them, so I leave it plugged in all the time.
          - DS3 DSport Plus - THP 155 - Belle-ile Blue with Perla Nera Black Roof -
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          • #6
            I have various folders I orgnaised on my PC depending on what mood I am in rather than by album.

            Current favorites, metal, dubstep/dance/classic cheese and so on. Most on one folder is 700 odd and I'll just play on random. So when I am driving I just pick a 'playlist'

            Some favored artists at the moment have individual folders.

            Originally posted by BeefMasta View Post
            I've got a couple of SanDisk 16GB Cruzer Fit Flash Drives and they work great. Also, the flap over the USB port will almost close over them, so I leave it plugged in all the time.
            This is what I have Works really well and as you said, discreet and hidden.
            My DS3R3... nearly....
            New? Click HERE for some useful threads.


            • #7
              Originally posted by WTF View Post
              I have various folders I orgnaised on my PC depending on what mood I am in rather than by album.

              Current favorites, metal, dubstep/dance/classic cheese and so on. Most on one folder is 700 odd and I'll just play on random. So when I am driving I just pick a 'playlist'

              Some favored artists at the moment have individual folders.

              This is what I have Works really well and as you said, discreet and hidden.
              I bought a 32gb one of these in preparation for when my DS3 arrives


              • #8
                I use a Lexar 128GB Echo SE Back Up Drive, bought in 2011, so probably not available now.

                I have the music stored in folders under artist & album title so no problem with 999 track index. The only issue storing the files this way is you can't random play all the tracks, you can however select to play tracks by genre and then random play all the tracks of one genre. Currently have over 23.5K tracks on the stick had to reduce bit rate down to 128Kbit mp3 to fit them all on though, normally store them at 192Kbit wma on my media server at home. The only problem with it is the physical size of the stick, there are much neater solutions available but nothing with this capacity.
                Last edited by Arlow; 31-01-2013, 13:10.
                DS3 Racing, also available in White!!!


                • #9
                  Ahh I see. So as long as my Music is grouped in folders I can have as many as I want on the USB drive?


                  • #10
                    Up to 999 per folder, yep
                    My DS3R3... nearly....
                    New? Click HERE for some useful threads.


                    • #11
                      TIP: As I remember if you want to repeat play a track that track has to be in a folder - you can only repeat play a folder not an individual track. (Just in case your music collection is very small).


                      • #12
                        Wahey! Thats good new.

                        I spent ages trying to sort out what I wanted to put on my USB as I thought it was Ltd to 99 songs!

                        Can put all my old rubbish on there now and not worry


                        • #13
                          Wow....brilliant replies guys....I've taken BeefMaster's advice and gone for the 16gb ScanDisk sticks thank you everyone!!


                          • #14
                            I ordered two of the small Cruzer drives and spent a whole day this weekend converting albums from iTunes onto the drive. It was well worth the effort and I don't have to leave my iPod in the car anymore. Much neater no wires


                            • #15
                              just ordered the 32gb for £14.90
                              DS3 DSport 120 Blue HDI - Belle-ile Blue with Black Roof

