Gave the car a good clean and then took it for some more pics - also speaking to someone who's breaking a 207 GTi about some boost hoses, hardpipe kit and catch tank so should have that all here by the end of next week.
No announcement yet.
Neil's DS3-Racing thread
Fitted the new mongoose exhaust, non resonated one (minus centre silencer)
can't say there's much of a difference in noise up until about 3000rpm mark then it starts to bark a little, not as loud as i'd hoped, but none the less a superb system quality of it was superb and a bargain at £275 for a catback.
Next up will be the forge intercooler and hardpipe boost kit to be fitted. couldn't find one with the stuff locally that was breaking as he'd already sold so will just get new forge items down at Autosport show2012 DS3-R
If in doubt, flat out