Calling all members in the Hampshire / central south coast area
Fancy a casual meet up with local members?
Fancy a scenic drive?
Fancy a MASSIVE burger?
If you said yes to any of the above, then why not pop along to Mick's Monster Burgers on Portsdown Hill, Portsmouth, this September!
Portsdown Hill Rd, Portsmouth PO6 3LZ, a popular place for bikers, car clubs, and families alike. Chances are there will be some fast machines to ogle as well as our DS3s!
I'm free on the 10th and 24th of September (Sundays) and Saturday the 30th, but that's the day before Trax and anyone going might be heading off early to hotels for the night.
Timings wise, I'm very flexible. Can do brunch, lunch, or late lunch. Things generally get busy around early afternoon but you can still get parking, just maybe not all together.
Let me know what times and dates suit you and we can try work something out. Might turn it into a monthly thing during the non-rainy season if it's popular.
Some pictures from the hill:
Fancy a casual meet up with local members?
Fancy a scenic drive?
Fancy a MASSIVE burger?
If you said yes to any of the above, then why not pop along to Mick's Monster Burgers on Portsdown Hill, Portsmouth, this September!
Portsdown Hill Rd, Portsmouth PO6 3LZ, a popular place for bikers, car clubs, and families alike. Chances are there will be some fast machines to ogle as well as our DS3s!
I'm free on the 10th and 24th of September (Sundays) and Saturday the 30th, but that's the day before Trax and anyone going might be heading off early to hotels for the night.
Timings wise, I'm very flexible. Can do brunch, lunch, or late lunch. Things generally get busy around early afternoon but you can still get parking, just maybe not all together.
Let me know what times and dates suit you and we can try work something out. Might turn it into a monthly thing during the non-rainy season if it's popular.
Some pictures from the hill: