Well there it is. A date. That's about the only progress that's been made.
Well I tell a lie. I have been looking around trying to find the best solution to the whole camping/hotel thing.
My solution is a youth hostel. I know some of you will put your nose up to this... But believe me, hostels are probably not quite as bad as you imagine them to be.
After traveling I have stayed in some really terrible hostels in Asia. A hostel is only as good as the people in it!!!
You have to remember, we are talking about the lake district and driving roads which are generally in the rural areas. The majority of the hotels are on the outskirts, which means we will constantly be driving back and forth across the same road opposed to being more central. The other issue is the camp sites are more central compared to the hotels, so people won't be together. (Plus most the camp sites don't want groups).
So that's it. 10th - 13th July WILL be the date. So feel free to book it off. That's a Friday - Monday. Doubt much will happen on the Friday, so people can drive up after work if they wish. Saturday will be the main driving day for roads, Sunday will be slightly different as I anticipate some people needing to leave as not having Monday off. (although I recommend booking Monday off)
How does everyone feel about a hostel? (NOTE: We can get private rooms for couples/people who don't want to share with others) The prices appear to be about £25pppn.
Thoughts? Feelings? Can you list
A) what days you will try to attend
B) if you're alright staying in a hostel (room allocation/private rooms can be sorted later) and
C) if approx £25pppn is ok for your budget.
Remember food/petrol will be on top. I'll come up with rough petrol prices later (as in not now & not today)
Well I tell a lie. I have been looking around trying to find the best solution to the whole camping/hotel thing.
My solution is a youth hostel. I know some of you will put your nose up to this... But believe me, hostels are probably not quite as bad as you imagine them to be.
After traveling I have stayed in some really terrible hostels in Asia. A hostel is only as good as the people in it!!!
You have to remember, we are talking about the lake district and driving roads which are generally in the rural areas. The majority of the hotels are on the outskirts, which means we will constantly be driving back and forth across the same road opposed to being more central. The other issue is the camp sites are more central compared to the hotels, so people won't be together. (Plus most the camp sites don't want groups).
So that's it. 10th - 13th July WILL be the date. So feel free to book it off. That's a Friday - Monday. Doubt much will happen on the Friday, so people can drive up after work if they wish. Saturday will be the main driving day for roads, Sunday will be slightly different as I anticipate some people needing to leave as not having Monday off. (although I recommend booking Monday off)
How does everyone feel about a hostel? (NOTE: We can get private rooms for couples/people who don't want to share with others) The prices appear to be about £25pppn.
Thoughts? Feelings? Can you list
A) what days you will try to attend
B) if you're alright staying in a hostel (room allocation/private rooms can be sorted later) and
C) if approx £25pppn is ok for your budget.
Remember food/petrol will be on top. I'll come up with rough petrol prices later (as in not now & not today)