Right guys!
So we have been thinking about this from W&W:
We’ll provide clubs with up to a 20m x 20m pitch where we want you to do the most imaginative and creative display with your vehicles. Awards will be made for the best displays and Wheels Zone participants are encouraged to promote their club, sell merchandise, display branded banners or flags and erect gazebos or marquees in order to make displays more appealing.
And what we can do with our area......
I know most of you think I am doolally as it is, but this was my train of thought:
Wenham said about Red, White & Blue theme, that led me to think about it being very British, at a very British event. Which got me thinking about all things British, which led to tea, which led to a tea party and then to a Mad Hatters Tea Party…….
Bear with me.
So we can't have a BBQ at this event, so we can have a picnic.
With the gazebo we have a table down the middle, full of delights and yummy food. Sandwiches cut in quarters, cakes, scones, jam, tea, jars of sweets etc.
To decorate the table we can have an array of things:
China Tea pots and cups - Charity Shop win
Large jars full of treats
Playing card decorations
Table cloths and swags of fabric (lol - swag)
And so on
Under the gazebo we can fill the roof with lanterns, bunting and decs
General theme items:
Top Hats
Playing cards
Union Jacks
We could even have croquet
People can dress up or not! Even a top hat would add a nice touch.
Inspiration items
I can make large versions of these that say 'Drive Me'to hang on cars

Over to you guys, would you like a tea party themed stand?
I think its very British, very eye catching and very achievable.
So we have been thinking about this from W&W:
We’ll provide clubs with up to a 20m x 20m pitch where we want you to do the most imaginative and creative display with your vehicles. Awards will be made for the best displays and Wheels Zone participants are encouraged to promote their club, sell merchandise, display branded banners or flags and erect gazebos or marquees in order to make displays more appealing.
And what we can do with our area......
I know most of you think I am doolally as it is, but this was my train of thought:
Wenham said about Red, White & Blue theme, that led me to think about it being very British, at a very British event. Which got me thinking about all things British, which led to tea, which led to a tea party and then to a Mad Hatters Tea Party…….
Bear with me.
So we can't have a BBQ at this event, so we can have a picnic.
With the gazebo we have a table down the middle, full of delights and yummy food. Sandwiches cut in quarters, cakes, scones, jam, tea, jars of sweets etc.
To decorate the table we can have an array of things:
China Tea pots and cups - Charity Shop win
Large jars full of treats
Playing card decorations
Table cloths and swags of fabric (lol - swag)
And so on
Under the gazebo we can fill the roof with lanterns, bunting and decs
General theme items:
Top Hats
Playing cards
Union Jacks
We could even have croquet
People can dress up or not! Even a top hat would add a nice touch.
Inspiration items
I can make large versions of these that say 'Drive Me'to hang on cars

Over to you guys, would you like a tea party themed stand?
I think its very British, very eye catching and very achievable.