The vinyl cutter we bought about 3 years ago died a death.
It had fought for a while over the past year or so and we had just about managed to work with each other and work around it's obvious faults. But yesterday the belt just gave in. I swore at it for a few minutes, took it apart and confirmed what was wrong (like poking it with a stick to make sure)
But today I ordered us a nice new one! Has more capabilities than the first and will be new. The previous one was second hand to us.
I've got stock of most things, and it won;t take me anytime at ll to catch up. But just so you know if there is a delay, this is why!
It had fought for a while over the past year or so and we had just about managed to work with each other and work around it's obvious faults. But yesterday the belt just gave in. I swore at it for a few minutes, took it apart and confirmed what was wrong (like poking it with a stick to make sure)
But today I ordered us a nice new one! Has more capabilities than the first and will be new. The previous one was second hand to us.
I've got stock of most things, and it won;t take me anytime at ll to catch up. But just so you know if there is a delay, this is why!