Thread for the PC gamers, I have 360 but have been PC gaming online since the early days of Counter strike 1.6, around the year 2000.
Steam account is tnpmonkey
Been with my current clan around 6 years and been clan leader for around 3.
Our clan played matches on enemydown and CAL leagues for Counter strike, Counter Strike Source, Day of Defeat, Day of Defeat Source, Team Fortress 2, Battlefield 2, Bad company 2 and COD games.
At the moment we focussed on COD Black Ops due to the stale PC game market for1st person shooters.
We have vent etc so feel free to pop on webby or in Vent if u wanna chat whilst online.
All our members are very friendly and funny And play all sorts of games
Steam account is tnpmonkey
Been with my current clan around 6 years and been clan leader for around 3.
Our clan played matches on enemydown and CAL leagues for Counter strike, Counter Strike Source, Day of Defeat, Day of Defeat Source, Team Fortress 2, Battlefield 2, Bad company 2 and COD games.
At the moment we focussed on COD Black Ops due to the stale PC game market for1st person shooters.
We have vent etc so feel free to pop on webby or in Vent if u wanna chat whilst online.
All our members are very friendly and funny And play all sorts of games