Well after just having our DS3 back for 2 weeks after the last idiot ran into it and it got a new bumper and 3 months since the last idiot reversed into it, it's been driven into AGAIN!!!
The damage is much more severe now than the last 2 times
and yet again I was driving when it happened.
I was on my way into Inverness for some retail therapy...It has been raining quite hard here since yesterday and it was raining at the time...I was behind a lorry with ample distance between us (I learned my lesson years ago about tailgating cars in the rain!) the lorry hit a dip in the road that was full of water so he braked as he went through the water, I quickly glanced in my rear view mirror then braked before hitting the water...Unfortunately the car behind me didn't see the dip full of water until she hit it, at which point she braked, aqua planed and then hit me right in the rear!!
The parking sensors are dead, the drivers side of the rear bumper has been hit so hard that the paint is completely off it, the other side of the rear bumper has paint transfer and cracks on it, the valance it completely broken and exhaust has been bent..Oh and when I drove it back to Biggies work I could feel it pulling to the left a little.
So all in all our poor little DS3 is pretty mashed up
I'm OK so at least that's one thing...Well apart from dented pride, a sore back and a splitting headache
Just gutted that it's happened yet again...Beginning to think our DS really is cursed....It sounds silly but I'm actually pretty scared to drive it now...Really considering selling it and getting another one
Biggie has some pics so will post them on later
The damage is much more severe now than the last 2 times

I was on my way into Inverness for some retail therapy...It has been raining quite hard here since yesterday and it was raining at the time...I was behind a lorry with ample distance between us (I learned my lesson years ago about tailgating cars in the rain!) the lorry hit a dip in the road that was full of water so he braked as he went through the water, I quickly glanced in my rear view mirror then braked before hitting the water...Unfortunately the car behind me didn't see the dip full of water until she hit it, at which point she braked, aqua planed and then hit me right in the rear!!
The parking sensors are dead, the drivers side of the rear bumper has been hit so hard that the paint is completely off it, the other side of the rear bumper has paint transfer and cracks on it, the valance it completely broken and exhaust has been bent..Oh and when I drove it back to Biggies work I could feel it pulling to the left a little.
So all in all our poor little DS3 is pretty mashed up

I'm OK so at least that's one thing...Well apart from dented pride, a sore back and a splitting headache
Just gutted that it's happened yet again...Beginning to think our DS really is cursed....It sounds silly but I'm actually pretty scared to drive it now...Really considering selling it and getting another one

Biggie has some pics so will post them on later