The GREEN council in Brighton and Hove are forever making things more restrictive for residents and motorists
Parking prices shooting up to silly levels, expanding pay parking miles from city centre so you have to pay outside yer own house (One reason I moved recently)
Being very fascist over rubbish collections, and when you go to the local tip- dear- 18 different areas to put certain types of rubbish, with them watchin over you givin you a rollickin
I know we all have to do our bit, but hey- lets live please
SPEED LIMITS- The latest wheeze is to introduce 20MPH limits across large parts of the town
Introduced 6 months ago just for schools areas (Understandable) - POLICE stated they were unenforceable
Now they are expanding the restriction all over the shop
Is it worth having a car in town nowadays? And if you cant have one to go home in- whats the point?
Any other UK towns got real restrictive speed limts? and for what reason?
Parking prices shooting up to silly levels, expanding pay parking miles from city centre so you have to pay outside yer own house (One reason I moved recently)
Being very fascist over rubbish collections, and when you go to the local tip- dear- 18 different areas to put certain types of rubbish, with them watchin over you givin you a rollickin
I know we all have to do our bit, but hey- lets live please
SPEED LIMITS- The latest wheeze is to introduce 20MPH limits across large parts of the town
Introduced 6 months ago just for schools areas (Understandable) - POLICE stated they were unenforceable
Now they are expanding the restriction all over the shop
Is it worth having a car in town nowadays? And if you cant have one to go home in- whats the point?
Any other UK towns got real restrictive speed limts? and for what reason?