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Speeding Ticket =( Anyone Got Any Tips ?...

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  • Speeding Ticket =( Anyone Got Any Tips ?...

    Had In The Mail A Letter Of Intended Prosecution For Doing 51 In A 30 Zone =(

    Anyone Know Any Ways Of Gettin Around It As I Already Have 3 Points =(

  • #2
    Gutted dude =/

    How soon after you were caught was the letter received?
    cyclone> Fish is the man


    • #3
      Have they said what evidence they from "safety camera" ?, if so I'm guessing that they have your k******s on a plate.

      There maybe some info in this site that is of assistance

      But I have to say that this bit of advice is priceless "To avoid getting a speeding fine or endorsement, the best advice for motorists is to avoid speeding in the first place"


      • #4
        oh dear. you do have options, however if you drag it out to court trying to defend yourself and lose then you will end up getting more points.
        Take it on the chin would be my advise and slow down.
        C2 GT #2003

        LIFE HAS RULES & SO DO THESE FORUMS.... DS3Club rules: Click Here


        • #5
          Originally posted by Den View Post
          Take it on the chin would be my advise and slow down.
          Agreed! 51 in a 30 zone, dear me fella.


          • #6
            This is a news paper report:
            A speed camera caught the 45-year-old driving at 51mph in a 30mph zone in Preston Road, Brighton, East Sussex, on November 13 last year, Sussex Police said.

            He was convicted at Brighton Magistrates' Court on Tuesday after pleading guilty by post, police added.

            Morgan, who was listed under his full name, Piers Pughe-Morgan, was fined £666, had six points added to his licence and was told to pay £58 costs, a court official said.

            Hers is a link to speed and the conviction points with fines.


            Really sorry to hear this... don't go down the not knowing who the driver is - this is not recommended as the conviction for this will be worse and it is very very hard to prove.

            Your going to have to go to court and just plead with them some mitigating circumstances and plead some more and show remorse and hopefully they will not be too hard.
            However they do have a set system they normally follow ie 6 points and an average of £450 fine.
            Life's too short to grow up! ;0)


            • #7
              Sorry to hear that Zack, can't offer any real sympathy as never had so much as a point or fine (a good catholic girl born and bred). Only been gestured by a policeman once as I over took a parked bus and didn't realise he was behind me in a bit of a rush. Unfortunately he was in my blind spot and only his lights flashing (no siren) so just didn't see him when I looked in the mirrors to overtake. Felt guilty for weeks.


              • #8
                Put up and cough up. Most insurers are OK with 6 points these days and trying to fight it will cause you grief you could do without. Oh and set the speed limiter to prevent licence loss!!


                • #9
                  Sorry to hear it mate.
                  'Fraid I can't offer any help but we all do silly things at times and regret them. When I was younger my licence had more stamps than a Stanley Gibbons catalogue.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Richardhycott View Post
                    . Oh and set the speed limiter to prevent licence loss!!
                    This is VERY good advice - This is what i do when in 30 or 40 or 50 - set the speed limiter as then you can accelerate as fast as you like but the limiter wont let you go above a safe speed. Its a pain but it is worth it...
                    You could also invest in a safety camera warning and radar detector to ensure you are within limits.

                    Was it a static camera or mobile?
                    Life's too short to grow up! ;0)


                    • #11
                      Just seen this ;-(


                      This says 51 and over is a ban in a 30 ;-(

                      I miss read my earlier post... sorry for the possible bad outcome....
                      Life's too short to grow up! ;0)


                      • #12
                        As far as I'm aware the speed limiter can be overridden simply by pushing harder on the throttle.....haven't tried it out yet but according to the way I read the manual that's what happens, will try it in the morning and post results


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mbartlett View Post

                          this says 51 and over is a ban in a 30 ;-(
                          fml !...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by john55810uk View Post
                            As far as I'm aware the speed limiter can be overridden simply by pushing harder on the throttle.
                            Yes, it can, but it needs firm enough pressure to make it unlikely that you'd do it accidentally.


                            • #15
                              Sorry?! Not me.

                              51 in a 30 deserves all it gets.

                              Bend over and take it, boy.
                              1.6 Vti White edition

