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Anyone Else Think This Is Disgusting Treatment From The Police ?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by T 24CK T View Post
    Sorry To Quiz You Further Den And Im Sure The Results Vary... But What Could I Have Got If I Had Been Arrested And Gone To Court, Off The Top Of Your Head ?...

    As a minimum (and i only know because i checked up on the offence) 10 points and a £300 fine + costs. You can be banned or upto 3 months in prison (not likely unless you do it every week or something)
    C2 GT #2003

    LIFE HAS RULES & SO DO THESE FORUMS.... DS3Club rules: Click Here


    • #17
      Originally posted by john55810uk View Post
      So you walk home without the nice thick coat that is sitting in the car that you dare not go near just incase the police decide that your "drunk in charge" and on the way home you get stuck in the snow and suffer hyperthermia and the Ambulance has to be called to rescue you.................:confused:....It all makes sense Ossifer
      I agree but, as an officer you would have no idea if by leaving that drunken person in their car they would attempt to drive it and kill someone. It is down to the person "getting their coat" to prove that they had no intention of driving.
      C2 GT #2003

      LIFE HAS RULES & SO DO THESE FORUMS.... DS3Club rules: Click Here


      • #18
        Originally posted by Den View Post
        10 points and a £300 fine + costs. You can be banned or upto 3 months in prison
        Well For Me That Would = License Gone... Job Gone... Money Gone... Car Gone...

        This Is Why I Dont Do It + I Hope Nobody On Here Does It Either...


        • #19
          Originally posted by Den View Post
          The limit is 35 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath
          Exactly. So a reading of 35 is within the legal limit.

          I'm not condoning drinking & driving in any way, and your advice not to go near your car if you've been drinking is sound, but I still can't understand why Zack was instructed not to drive if his breath test was within the legal limit.


          • #20
            Originally posted by gar074 View Post
            but I still can't understand why Zack was instructed not to drive if his breath test was within the legal limit.
            I Can Sort Of Understand It But What I Think Is Bad Is That He Radioed A Car To Come And Sit Outside And Watch Me...

            What A Waste Of A Unit When There Are Hundreds Of Drunken People Roaming Around At 1.00 In The Morning...


            • #21
              If you blow under the 35 limit you are innocent, and will be released immediately. 35-39 and they still release you without charge despite you being over the limit- lucky indeed. In the 40-50 bracket you can choose to replace the breath specimen with blood/urine
              C2 GT #2003

              LIFE HAS RULES & SO DO THESE FORUMS.... DS3Club rules: Click Here


              • #22
                Sorry......I always had this missconception that the law of the land was "innocent until proven guilty", How could ANYONE prove that they had no intention of driving under such circumstances.
                I can understand that the police have a difficult job to do, but until some sort of common sense returns (on both sides) then this sort of stupid nonsense will prevail.
                As for relying on the sure that others will know what this acronim stands for (the alternative version).


                • #23
                  Im 100% With The Police John I Just Think They Acted In My Case With The Intent Of Wanting To Arrest Me For The Sake Of It ( To Get Their Numbers Up Maybe ? )...


                  • #24
                    john sorry mate but i don't think you are getting the point. If the police had seen him go to the car and thought "he's getting his coat or something" and as they walked away even after asking he then got in his car and drove causing an accident with his impaired driving, lets say ploughing into a que of people at a taxi rank, killing two and permanently disabling one. What would you rather have - hassle and proved innocent or the resulting accident on your mind? Boefore you decide think if one of your family was in that que. yes the law can be an ass (blame health and safety and no win no fee lawyers for that) but if your innocent their is no problem


                    • #25
                      Often wondered what happens with a camper van. Can you park up, cook a meal, get pissed and sleep in the back?
                      Den you might know the answer to this one.


                      ps Zack - think you were lucky mate and glad you were, I know you are against drink driving but you can't expect the police to get references every time someone gets in a car or is in charge of a car when drunk.


                      • #26
                        Jimbob, i have had a look through some arguments with the campervan, it would seem that aslong as you were in the living area you would be ok, and the same would apply to truck drivers who sleep in their cabs. This is just one of those strange offences where the burden of proof is reversed and it is down to the defendant to prove that they wernt going to drive, not for the police to prove they were.
                        C2 GT #2003

                        LIFE HAS RULES & SO DO THESE FORUMS.... DS3Club rules: Click Here


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Den View Post
                          Jimbob, i have had a look through some arguments with the campervan, it would seem that aslong as you were in the living area you would be ok, and the same would apply to truck drivers who sleep in their cabs. This is just one of those strange offences where the burden of proof is reversed and it is down to the defendant to prove that they wernt going to drive, not for the police to prove they were.
                          Cheers Den



                          • #28
                            Zac - Did you notice a video camera and are we gonna see you on Road Wars or Police Interceptors! Lol


                            • #29
                              Glad to hear you 'got away' with being drunk in charge. It's a difficult had no intention to drive, but the coppers wouldn't know that, and have to err on the side of caution.
                              I got stopped on the Friday before Christmas, driving back from a concert at 2 in the morning.
                              Apparently I'd 'cut him up on a roundabout'...I think it was just an excuse to pull me and look at the car.
                              The guy was a bit sarcastic...Why didn't I pull over as soon as he flashed his blue lights?
                              'Thought you were stopping for the guys by the car at the bus this time of the morning...and didn't fancy an emergency stop in this snow'...
                              'Have you been drinking tonight?'
                              Yes, I have had two halves of lager, as I'm driving...
                              'Thought so...Get the Breathalyser'.
                              julie was watching through the window, and apparently as soon as I blew into it, the guy's attitude changed completely.

                              Now, I don't mind being stopped and breathalysed at any time, as I can't stand drink drivers.
                              It's just a pity that the ossifer had to have such a sarcastic attitude.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Boo_DS3 View Post
                                Zac - Did you notice a video camera and are we gonna see you on Road Wars or Police Interceptors! Lol
                                Not Gunna Lie Its The 1st Thing I Looked For lol

                                Not Sure What Series You Guys All Get But Here We Get Traffic Cops On BBC 1 / 2 And They Only Cover... Cardiff, Swansea, And Yes You Guessed It... MERTHYR lol

