Suprised Den hasn't set this thread up.
I'll pinch his words from Facebook though:
With Instagram now available for android as well as iphone there are a lot more users out there. are you one of them? comment with your ID and see if you get a few more followers!
Share your images here
Don't hate on about how its just a crap photo made a bit better with a cheap filter, some really are sh*t. But I know that I take shots specifically for this and there are some nice images on there.
I'm on there as iaminoj
Suprised Den hasn't set this thread up.
I'll pinch his words from Facebook though:
With Instagram now available for android as well as iphone there are a lot more users out there. are you one of them? comment with your ID and see if you get a few more followers!
Share your images here
Don't hate on about how its just a crap photo made a bit better with a cheap filter, some really are sh*t. But I know that I take shots specifically for this and there are some nice images on there.
I'm on there as iaminoj