Hello there, I have stumbled across this site and I have to say after reading the comments, what a great place for the DS3 Owners.
I ordered my DS3 on Monday and was told there is a 12 week wait, althought when I first enquired at the end of August I was told 8 weeks! So hopefully I will have mine intime for Chrismas - Bonus.
Once I get the e-mail to say that it is in the UK, I will start to get excited but until then it's just a waiting game.
I ordered my DS3 on Monday and was told there is a 12 week wait, althought when I first enquired at the end of August I was told 8 weeks! So hopefully I will have mine intime for Chrismas - Bonus.
Once I get the e-mail to say that it is in the UK, I will start to get excited but until then it's just a waiting game.