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Chrome cover plate for driver's resting foot?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Richardhycott View Post
    Footplate fitted today - No problem with size or fit.
    Well done, Richard.

    I'll get my coat...
    Last edited by gar074; 20-09-2010, 21:19.


    • #32
      Pic attached (hopefully!!)
      Attached Files


      • #33
        Looks ace!

        Well done for persevering - you definitely got the last laugh on those like me who thought it wouldn't fit!


        • #34
          I'm really glad I had this done. It's comfy to use and will save that bit of carpet being worn through. Let me be clear....there is no adverse driving effect at all. The only time I notice it there is when I rest my foot on it.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Richardhycott View Post
            Pic attached (hopefully!!)
            Well done Rich,

            Glad to see you managed to upload a photo successfully.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Clarky View Post
              Well done Rich,

              Glad to see you managed to upload a photo successfully.
              + Not Tiny This Time :L


              • #37
                Hi Rich, can you tell me how this is fitted by the dealer? could it be done at home do you think?


                • #38
                  It's fitted by the same type of allen style bolts that fit the alloy pedals. I guess beneth the carpet there must be pre drilled holes for the bolts to locate into. Four bolts in total 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom. I would have thought it straightforward to fit yourself.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Richardhycott View Post
                    It's fitted by the same type of allen style bolts that fit the alloy pedals. I guess beneth the carpet there must be pre drilled holes for the bolts to locate into. Four bolts in total 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom. I would have thought it straightforward to fit yourself.
                    Cool, think I will get my hands on one and have a go myself. Just had a look at the brochure and the only shot of the pedals are very misleading as you have no way of telling that the featured vehicle was in fact LHD. Wouldnt these things be so much less hassle if we all drove on the same side of the road? Our side of course!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Richardhycott View Post
                      I'm really glad I had this done. It's comfy to use and will save that bit of carpet being worn through. Let me be clear....there is no adverse driving effect at all. The only time I notice it there is when I rest my foot on it.
                      Can anyone please confirm that the four holes in the floor are definitely already pre drilled


                      • #41
                        I bought an ex demo it caame with the footplate. Its goog, it overhangs very slightly but I would recommend


                        • #42
                          Ok Folks, I went and bought this part, but i regret doing so, It is patently too large for the RHD car, and the instructions specifically indicate there should be an inch or so of carpet to the right of the footplate, Richard, i know you managed to squeeze it in, but it looks upside-down in your photo.
                          Also, i have to say when i went to drill it i was feeling around down there, and i don't get the impression there is any actual bodywork behind this piece of carpet, in other words it looks like there may be a former of some kind behind the footrest but it certaiinly doesn'd feel solid enought to require drilling and if pressed hard enough-even has some give...the screws supplied were over an inch long and self tapping, i saw or felt no evidence of pre-drilled the end i've abandoned the idea, even if i did manage to squeeze it in there, i don't think there is adequate clearance to the right of it, also the screws might damage something behind the footrest, also the existing footrest does not feel solid enough to drill into. anyone want to buy a brand new footrest? 20 squid and its yours!


                          • #43
                            Does anyone know if this footrest is really aluminium or just a bit of plastic??


                            • #44
                              The foot rest is only a block of Polystyrene foam so it would be soft enough to press screws into. The footrest cover is metal as far as I'm lead to believe
                              ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
                              Bigfeet's File Repository
                              The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


                              • #45
                                My brochure is Aug 2010 and doesn't mention footrest in the specs, just pedals.

