Hiya am new to this forum nd I was wanting to make my ds3 abit more nippy ano I cn get it remapped bt I was wondering what else cud I do
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Best way to make ds3 hdi 90bhp more responsive
Ideally with a remap you'd see gains around 30HP/60Nm
K&N also do a wide range of filters for the DS3: http://www.knfilters.com/air_filter/citroen_ds3.aspxcyclone> Fish is the man
You could also maybe have a DPF removal and new exhaust like Zack to help it be less restrictivenot sure on gains for this and like fish said if your trying to keep insurance low then the exhaust may not be viable some insures are kinder on modifications then others
Originally posted by Micky1989 View PostAm 24 nd my insurance is 500 which I didn't fink was bad nd all the remap companies up in the north east can on get 20bhp gain
Jamie does some mobile remaps but you might be a bit of a stretch for him, probably best to drop him a quick email or PM on the forum.
Double check with your insurance company before setting your mind on anything though.
Any ideas on budget?cyclone> Fish is the man
Originally posted by Jagster93 View PostYou could also maybe have a DPF removal and new exhaust like Zack to help it be less restrictivenot sure on gains for this and like fish said if your trying to keep insurance low then the exhaust may not be viable some insures are kinder on modifications then others
cyclone> Fish is the man
Originally posted by Micky1989 View PostAye I herd bout dpf deletion bt I Lyk Ther nt bein no black smoke lol am lookn at bout 1000 budget nt mch rly bt it's the best I cn do for now
Induction - £50-100
Exhaust - £200-300 (custom made - http://www.pro-speedexhausts.com/ or any other exhaust manufacturer)
Pretty sure you could find a bigger turbo with the remaining cash but it all depends on how far you're looking to modcyclone> Fish is the man