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  • #46
    Originally posted by BenS View Post
    Very interesting read. What kind of consumption rates does the WMI system have in terms of the methanol?

    Just thinking of potential health risks given that MeOH is a carcinogen, and quite a volatile one. I would assume it all gets fully combusted once injected, as it burns very efficiently so there's no unburnt MeOH to worry about, but what kind of storage tank does it use, where is it located, are leaks a possibility, and would there be exposure risks from refilling? (depending on how much it needs, see my question about consumption rates)

    To be honest, I'd be happy to read the whole paper - I studied chemical engineering so this sounds right up my alley
    Methanol, Methyl alcohol CH3OH (MeOH) is not classed or considered a carcinogen or have any known medical link to a Cancer, it is widely used in many products in the market place, Antifreeze, paints, thinners (Turps, Methylated spirits and White spirit) screen wash, De-icing agents etc etc etc.

    Yes it is TOXIC and can cause very serious health issues, however, if you drink it, and people have in the past, then you've no one to Blame but yourself, some would say, it's natures natural selection at work. !!

    Also if you do purchase considerable quantities, like I do, and are in frequent contact through skin and inhalation, again you've only yourself to blame for any health/skin issues that arise from using a TOXIC chemical, that said, if your responsible and take the necessary (common sense) practices when handling it, you've no problem at all, I've been using CH3OH in its purist derivative 99.95% for over 30 years, and have no skin or health issues, just respect it and don't mess with it.

    As for storage tank, I presume you are referring to onboard a vehicle, due to the dilution % mix with water, I have seen screen wash bottles used to contain the water/Methanol solution in their stock factory locations, engine bay, through to bespoke Stainless steel tanks and specialised FIA approved race fuel cells, in various locations throughout the vehicle, refilling, it's common sense, you need to be cautious when dealing with flammable liquids, it all comes down to common sense and the price an individual puts on life itself.
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    • #47
      Under current CLP classification, methanol does come under long term exposure risk (exploding chest symbol) for organ damage, as well as acute toxicity classification. I was just using the old CHIP definition of the exploding chest hazard pictogram = carcinogenic, so yes, on my part not totally accurate. But hey, I come into contact with so many "suspected" carcinogens and acutely toxic chemicals at work that I just treat them all the same - wear all the PPE, just in case
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      • #48
        another injector is best answer
        Jog on Noddy

