The Lowdown
So it now turns out that disconnecting the battery caused a fault in the engine, it basically shut down & fried the service sensor & eco chip ( a word of warning to those who may decide to disconnect the battery to reset ICE systems themselves). Citroen have now replaced the chips/sensors and the car is working ok. Still no idea what was causing the Bluetooth malfunction....... I have now realised it must be the phone causing the problem! i contacted Sony again and they could only suggest re-installing the phone software, so i backup all my stuff and wipe it! After re-installing Hurrah! it works again! So even though my phone had not received any updates something inside was screwing the Citroen Bluetooth system up. I suggest if anybody has a similar problem they try with their phone software first.....
Oh and guess what... ive just found out my wifes Sony X10 mini pro has started with the same problem...... At least i know what to do.
So it now turns out that disconnecting the battery caused a fault in the engine, it basically shut down & fried the service sensor & eco chip ( a word of warning to those who may decide to disconnect the battery to reset ICE systems themselves). Citroen have now replaced the chips/sensors and the car is working ok. Still no idea what was causing the Bluetooth malfunction....... I have now realised it must be the phone causing the problem! i contacted Sony again and they could only suggest re-installing the phone software, so i backup all my stuff and wipe it! After re-installing Hurrah! it works again! So even though my phone had not received any updates something inside was screwing the Citroen Bluetooth system up. I suggest if anybody has a similar problem they try with their phone software first.....
Oh and guess what... ive just found out my wifes Sony X10 mini pro has started with the same problem...... At least i know what to do.