Originally posted by Soran
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I gave up after they said:
Hello Joni,
I have run the photos past my manager. She has advised that there is no known faults with this style of shoe and from what she can see from the photos the soles coming away from the upper shoe looks like it has been caused by wear and tear as opposed to a fault. Unfortunately on this occasion I am unable to offer a replacement or refund on this item.
I replied with:
I fully appreciate that there is no known fault. But surely this isn't a standard to set against if one pair does fall apart? I also appreciate that wear and tear would cause this to happen, but not after 2 months. If it was also wear and tear, then why is it only one trainer that has fallen apart? I'm pretty sure that like most people, for every left step I take, a right step is followed, meaning each shoe has even amount of use. Depending of course which foot I step out of the house on. It could be that it has been the right foot for the past two months, and that one has had one extra step per day than the left. So that's about 60 steps more than the left over the last two months.
I know the glitter coming away on the left shoe is wear and tear. Glitter stuck to shoe, sole sticks to glitter, glitter comes away from shoe. Its the fact the stitching has undone and the sole of the shoe is hanging off on the right one. Enough room for a LEGO man to get trapped in the gap between the shoe and the sole (see attached) He looks about as happy as I am about this.
My last pair of Osiris lasted 2 years, so I thought these would at least live up the standards set by my last pair.
I'm not one to make complaints, being British I know this is hard to believe. But I was gutted when these fell apart after such a short time and thought this one time I thought it was a worthy reason.
I'd appreciate it it you would at least reconsider what has actually happened and if there is anything that could be done.
From less a glittery footed Joni
To which I have heard nothing and got bored.