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Fast clicking noise from engine/gearbox

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Grantandrew2014 View Post
    in all fairness to my dealer, they've done 60 miles in my car but more town driving than anything, ive told them ill get a video of my car making the noise because citroen technical knock your video back as it wasn't my car :mad:, so im getting a video of mine and booking it back in, ive also asked for a technician to be available when I take it so the can take him for a drive.. all they've done at the moment for mine is re-set the tappets? and upgraded the ECU software
    Well that's interesting as Walker Citroen told me that Citroen Technical offered very little feedback with my video.... Even though it actually proved there was a noise.

    Sounds like your Citroen dealer is trying to actually fix it. Amazing how two garages under the same brand have different motives to actually fixing their product.


    • #77
      Originally posted by DT757 View Post
      Well that's interesting as Walker Citroen told me that Citroen Technical offered very little feedback with my video.... Even though it actually proved there was a noise.

      Sounds like your Citroen dealer is trying to actually fix it. Amazing how two garages under the same brand have different motives to actually fixing their product.
      Well i'll keep the thread updated, with a bit of luck one of the cars will get fixed and we can relay the information on here


      • #78
        Originally posted by Grantandrew2014 View Post
        Well i'll keep the thread updated, with a bit of luck one of the cars will get fixed and we can relay the information on here
        Sounds good hopefully something will get resolved. Might have sold the DS3 by then... Haha


        • #79
          Originally posted by DT757 View Post
          Sounds good hopefully something will get resolved. Might have sold the DS3 by then... Haha
          Got mine back and I'm surprised to say i haven't heard the noise at all yet :S, all they've done is "reset the tappets and Upgraded your software", he said his reason for doing this is because he believed it sounded more tappet related, either that of injectors out of tolerance...... seems to have sorted it but ill keep you updated, may be an idea to ask your garage to do the same and see if it disappears on your motor pal


          • #80
            mine has been making a tappy noise since ive had it from november, it does when accelerating and it seems to go when letting off the throttle? any ideas?


            • #81
              Originally posted by gatesy0093 View Post
              mine has been making a tappy noise since ive had it from november, it does when accelerating and it seems to go when letting off the throttle? any ideas?
              mine was very similar, have a good listen when its warm and let off in 3rd.. see if you hear the clicking sound
              if its in warranty id ask them to update the ECU and reset the Tappet (haven't a clue how they do this, just what the technician was telling me)



              • #82
                Any particular reason why it happens in third. I've only ever noticed it when accelerating when the engine gets to about 2200 revs ish.. I can't recall ever hearing it when letting off. I'll have a listen when I'm next driving.

                My car runs out of manufacturers warranty this month however I bought the car from a Lookers dealership in liverpool at the start of November, would this matter at all?


                • #83
                  Originally posted by gatesy0093 View Post
                  Any particular reason why it happens in third. I've only ever noticed it when accelerating when the engine gets to about 2200 revs ish.. I can't recall ever hearing it when letting off. I'll have a listen when I'm next driving.

                  My car runs out of manufacturers warranty this month however I bought the car from a Lookers dealership in liverpool at the start of November, would this matter at all?
                  No idea why it was third but i haven't heard it since they did the work :/

                  The manufacturers warranty may run out but id check with lookers as to whether they offered any sort of warranty at point of sale, or look through your sale documents


                  • #84
                    I had this noise on my first DS3 but did not pay any attention to it.
                    Now on my second one i got the same after eight months and took a closer look at the engine while idling.
                    I saw that the belt tensioner whas rocking around a lot, and i replaced both of the tensioners and the belt, and the ticking is gone.

                    Since i know the dealer well and am a mechanic myself, i just picked upp the parts and replaced them myself, returning the old ones for warranty claim.

                    edit: the main tensioner was really hard to move and sounded like a squeeky door when i tried to move it back and forth.
                    Last edited by sportbike; 23-12-2014, 13:00.


                    • #85
                      Did anyone find out what this noise was?
                      My 2012 110-EHdi has started doing this today. Only just got the car back from the garage.
                      Recent alternator belt tensioner and belts replaced a few months ago, so unlikely to be related. Again just like the op only seems to happen in certain gears (2,3 or 4th gear, cant quite remember which), intermittent, Very loud tapping/clicking outside of the car.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by MadMan0 View Post
                        Did anyone find out what this noise was?
                        My 2012 110-EHdi has started doing this today. Only just got the car back from the garage.
                        Recent alternator belt tensioner and belts replaced a few months ago, so unlikely to be related. Again just like the op only seems to happen in certain gears (2,3 or 4th gear, cant quite remember which), intermittent, Very loud tapping/clicking outside of the car.
                        Sorry to hear this bud. Mines is an 11 plate. Noise was away in colder weather but it has now returned, not happy at all with the car!


                        • #87
                          Still no known cause of this? Mine goes and comes as it pleases :/ I've resorted to not allowing it to coast in third now


                          • #88
                            I thought sportbike had made the best suggestion ?


                            • #89
                              I thought the problem with the ticking was solved, but when i rew the engine hard and release the pedal, it ticks, manely in 3:d gear.
                              I just canīt find it.


                              • #90
                                Could it be the crankshaft pulley? They have an inbuilt rubber Bush that perishes over time and allows some play in the pulley, allowing it to rattle or tick when revved. I had mine replaced on both our 1.4 hdi 206 and 1.6 tdci cmax and it cured it.


