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Dsport+156thp engine fault.

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  • Don't Blame you that's not Good thats Dealers for you .



    • You certainly are getting a ruff time of it Arn
      Look back to post 4, and only had mine for 3 weeks and 1500 miles when your issues started
      They will have to recompense you in some way, its just whether you can accept that
      Jog on Noddy


      • I think I would bin it and walk away ...............................unless they come up with some really good sweetner but I always would never trust the car after all this crap.

        My one failed in the middle of nowhere in winter once mobile signal ........well chuffed after lot of pissing around managed to get it mobile and limped to a signal but what if I had been a young Mother with a baby in the motor

        As Said before cars go wrong but Fix the fooking thing first talk later or are Cuk that short of money

        Pop in and give me a like


        • Rang dealership today service manager still away service co-ordinater not in only service advisoron site put does not know anything about car he f--king booked it in
          12 weeks ago and he was the one that told me that head had been tested 9weeks
          ago and was ok.rang back and asked to speak to DEALER PRINCIPLE reception asked
          me why told her she then said would put me through to him came back on phone told he was not there this dealership needs looking into trading standards and local paper next people to contact.


          • You may get further with a few direct comments on Citroens Facebook/ Twitter pages and all that
            Not that I know much about those Forums I hasten to add- don't even go on them
            Jog on Noddy


            • Yep I'd be commenting on their FB and Twitter pages now, they've not been helpful at all


              • Phone call to service manager 3/1/14 Can not believe the bull shit .1 told car could have been ready christmas eve if worked all day but as they finished at 12pm would not be ready till new years eve as wanting to test drive for 2 or 3 days.that day came and was told service manager still away and only he could say what was going on called in to garage car still on ramp bonnet up no one working on it clearly not ready at all how many more lies Latest as 3/1/14 phone call they have supposed to have new person dealing with warranty claims and he has told service manager that he wants engine stripped down so they are arguing between themselves on what is happening to car (1) car should already have been repaired (2) since when does the dealership decide on what happens to car all along have been told that they had to wait for CUK to make decisions on what repairs they were to do to car.Rang CUK and they are going to contact dealership to find out what the hell is going on will wait for reply before legal action. Note to anyone thinking of using them ​STAY WELL AWAY( 10 weeks on monday)


                • 10 weeks is a piss take pure and simple


                  • Hope CUK get things going for you mate but no matter what I would be asking for compensation and quite probably legal action
                    DS3 1.6THP DSport with a few bits added.....nickname BB :bow:
                    Performance...Depends on how heavy my right foot is


                    • Get on that FB page and leave some feedback Arn,
                      Jog on Noddy


                      • completion date monday 13/01/14 should not have for long. New car been built awaiting delivery date thanks to CUK.


                        • New car? That's good news Arn
                          Jog on Noddy


                          • Wow, sounds like CUK have pulled that out of the bag for you, nice one ! Did you go to Twitter & Facebook or did they come back to you before you had to ?


                            • worked deal out in december with CUK but had not told other dealership with my car thats been repaired just to see how long it would go on but did use fb twice and last time to get it sorted before I changed my mind hope new car and new dealer a lot better


                              • Good at keeping secrets then....nice one :-)
                                Jog on Noddy

