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  • #31
    flash counters

    gentlemen you are indeed correct and also incorrect

    the citroen ds3 1.6 thp uses a Bosche MED17.4 ECU
    this ecu has a flash counter that will count the number of times that data has been written to the ecu

    if your remapper has decent eqipment and has paid the full licence agreement with the equipment company then it will automatically reset the flash counter to teh previously stored count number once the file has been written
    this is certainly the case with a KESS V2 which is my favoured tool of choice at present primarily because of vehicle coverage and
    because of the flash counter resetter
    I also have cmd - which is a very expensive option to have the flash reset software added to it - mine does not have this option

    this has been tested as a ds3 1.6 thp that i have remapped had to go back to citroen on an unrelated warantee issue
    so to be on the safe side we wrote the ecu back to standard
    citroen did indeed interrogate the ecu as is now standard for them on any warantee claim and they came back with no reason to believe the car had been mapped previously - they attended to the problem and added some software upgrades and then once back I mapped it again (free of charge to the customer)

    The conclusion can only be - use a reputable company - ask if their tool has a flash counter reset option ( automatic like kess or manual like cmd s on certain models) if you use a tuner that charges £200 for a remap my guess is that they will not have that option

    Flashremapping are a Viezu approved dealer - 23 years experience of tuning cars - underwritten insurance - 7 day money back guarantee - lifetime warantee on tuning maps - we always use the latest TUV approved tools - advice is free - remaps from £299

    David Lewis - Technical Director


    • #32
      Fantastic post, David - many thanks.


      • #33
        Haha that has to be the most technical thing i have ever heard :] My brain has just fried :P .... But yes good post David!


        • #34
          hi HerbyDS3

          Hi Herby DS3

          You called me a couple of weeks ago now and I arranged someone to come and remap your 1.6 Thp
          as was little bit too far for me to come from Kent but we have agents all over the British Isles

          How is the car going now post remap - we have doen a lot of research into this vehicle now and keen to get some feedback ?

          David Lewis


          • #35
            Hi David,

            Where's your nearest agent to the Bolton area? As I've mentioned in a few posts from Garth I'd also be interested in this but do have a few concerns as I'm sure most others would.

            cyclone> Fish is the man


            • #36
              Unfortunatly dave i wasnt confident with the bloke that phone me....he didnt seem to know what he was going on about. So i have had a long chat with a company i used before with previous vehicles. They have had it remapped to 180bhp mark with 60nm of torque. Its off to the dyno next time im off. They are about 10 minute drive from me so if anything went wrong they are nearby which helps


              • #37
                Excuse my ignorance please guys, but what is the difference between the 1.6 120/150/200bhp engines in the DSign/Sport/DS3 R and is it something that can be modified?

                For example, I have the 120bhp engine, and is this something that could be adjusted to give me better performance?

                I'm guessing its not just a software thing to restrict my engine being as powerful as a DS3 R, so what can be done?

                Confused!! :confused::confused:


                • #38
                  Yours is a non turbo....Sport is a turbo.....Racing is just a tuned Sport


                  • #39
                    So for this sort of thing (re-mapping) only works on the turbo engines, right?


                    • #40
                      Nah non turbos also i believe. but i wouldnt of thought you would get more than 15 added break really.


                      • #41
                        So not really worth the chance of voiding warranty etc really, for 15bhp, I suppose


                        • #42

                          I will be going to the meet on sunday 19th sept at Birmingham
                          I will have my equipment there so if anyone wants a remap while they are there will do it on the day
                          If you just want to chat - no problem

                          non turbos can be remapped but with less bhp gains around the 15-20bhp is right
                          the 150bhp can get 30-35 bhp with a real nice power curve - if Gareth is there im sure he will be glad to show you the difference
                          we did a lot of RnD on his car and whle we can get it to 195BHP it was a bit too wild on a daily basis

                          the 200 bhp verion coming out or out now has some engine modifications as well - I belive it has a slightly bigger turbo but sure exactly

                          if you are interested in getting a remap on sunday - can you give me a call on 07886 368795

                          David Lewis
                          Technical Director


                          • #43
                            Any chance of a discount Dave ??


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by FlashRemapping View Post
                              I will be going to the meet on sunday 19th sept at Birmingham
                              I will have my equipment there so if anyone wants a remap while they are there will do it on the day
                              You Sir Are Dedicated... And I Salute You...


                              • #45
                                You're welcome for the tip of Dave :P

                                Guys, I would seriously recommend the viezu guys if you're serious about getting the full potential of your car on your road. Top-notch service!
                                cyclone> Fish is the man

