We have heard of quite a few problems now with BOTH remapped and non remapped ds3 1.6Thps
The extent of the problem varies from vehicle to vehicle with most remapped vehicles having no problem whatsoever as with non remapped ones
The problem appears to be with the "posative crankcase ventilation"
The crankcase is slightly under posative pressure and has two outlets if it becomes necessary to relieve this pressure
One emits the air to the air intake just prior to the turbo and this does not appear to be the problem
The other comes from the left hand rear of the crankcase and takes posative pressure directly to the intake manifold
The problems seems to come from the emitted air also having oil and sludge contained within it
This is enetering the comstion chamber and detonating
As oil has similar properties to diesel you can imagine that small oily particles in the comustion chamber are detonating on the upward stroke of the piston
like a diesel - at this point the engine senses a problem and retards the timing as much as possible for a certain period and the car looses power - in some cases even throwing the car into limp mode - and making the dashboard look like a disco
The long term effect on your engine IF this is happening is that it will put pressure on the weakest point - in this case the piston rings - and pressure testing the head will reveal reduced engine compression
OK thats the bad news
Now the good news - if you are fairly mechanicaly proficiant with long this arms/hands and the grip of a gorilla ( fortunately Zack has a diesel here )
the fix is cheap
two caps ( available from citroen at about £2.25 + VAT each ) will cap off the pipe and this can be removed from the car
The part number from Citroen is 0361 s4
once removed you car drive the car as per normal - you will hear a small click as the valve in the inlet manifold shuts permanently
Thanks here belong to Dave-Beast who has found this article on e-tuners forum and thanks to them also as they have put on their website photos etc of how to fit these caps
The link can be found here
I would apreciate your feedback if you choose to make this adaptation
I have heard through the grapevine that Citroen is contemplating this as a change at next service but of course they would not admit a problem - I do though wonder why these parts ( caps ) are available from your local dealer if there were no problem. It is also a possabliity that the ecu governs when the valve at the inlet manifold opens and this may be controlable within the mapping - we are looking at this - but it is also possible it is governed only by pressure
Good Luck and thanks again to Dave Beast
The extent of the problem varies from vehicle to vehicle with most remapped vehicles having no problem whatsoever as with non remapped ones
The problem appears to be with the "posative crankcase ventilation"
The crankcase is slightly under posative pressure and has two outlets if it becomes necessary to relieve this pressure
One emits the air to the air intake just prior to the turbo and this does not appear to be the problem
The other comes from the left hand rear of the crankcase and takes posative pressure directly to the intake manifold
The problems seems to come from the emitted air also having oil and sludge contained within it
This is enetering the comstion chamber and detonating
As oil has similar properties to diesel you can imagine that small oily particles in the comustion chamber are detonating on the upward stroke of the piston
like a diesel - at this point the engine senses a problem and retards the timing as much as possible for a certain period and the car looses power - in some cases even throwing the car into limp mode - and making the dashboard look like a disco
The long term effect on your engine IF this is happening is that it will put pressure on the weakest point - in this case the piston rings - and pressure testing the head will reveal reduced engine compression
OK thats the bad news
Now the good news - if you are fairly mechanicaly proficiant with long this arms/hands and the grip of a gorilla ( fortunately Zack has a diesel here )
the fix is cheap
two caps ( available from citroen at about £2.25 + VAT each ) will cap off the pipe and this can be removed from the car
The part number from Citroen is 0361 s4
once removed you car drive the car as per normal - you will hear a small click as the valve in the inlet manifold shuts permanently
Thanks here belong to Dave-Beast who has found this article on e-tuners forum and thanks to them also as they have put on their website photos etc of how to fit these caps
The link can be found here
I would apreciate your feedback if you choose to make this adaptation
I have heard through the grapevine that Citroen is contemplating this as a change at next service but of course they would not admit a problem - I do though wonder why these parts ( caps ) are available from your local dealer if there were no problem. It is also a possabliity that the ecu governs when the valve at the inlet manifold opens and this may be controlable within the mapping - we are looking at this - but it is also possible it is governed only by pressure
Good Luck and thanks again to Dave Beast