Can I have my DRLs on at night? No.
Questions have been asked . . . .
How do you get the Running led lights to work at night? think it looks S**t hot
Anyone know how to get the leds on with the main headlights. They go off when I switch the main lights on and I've seen a lot of cars with them both on.
Hi there,
What's the deal with the day lights can we have them on with the main beam aswell? They look great on the audis at night!!
What's the deal with the day lights can we have them on with the main beam aswell? They look great on the audis at night!!
To clarify, you can have the function of your sidelights changed by accessing the ECU with a Lexia tool so they run with your DRL's. You can not have the DRL function changed so they run alongside the mainlights + side.
0 - DRL
1 - Sidelights - normal rear light function
2 - Main headlight + Sidelights - normal rear light function
AFTER (using lexia)
0 - DRL + Sidelights - normal rear light function
1 - Sidelights - normal rear light function
2 - Main Headlight + Sidelights - normal rear light function

But other cars have their's on at night with their headlights?
Our DRL's are too bright to run legally at night. There a more cars on the market now with Day Light Running Lights and similar that run at night with headlights, but all of these run at a lower intensity than ours and are road legal.
UK regulations briefly required vehicles first used on or after 1 April 1987 to be equipped with a dim-dip device or daytime running lamps, except such vehicles as comply fully with ECE Regulation 48 regarding installation of lighting equipment. A dim-dip device operates the low beam headlamps (called "dipped beam" in the UK) at between 10 percent and 20 percent of normal low-beam intensity. UK DRLs must emit at least 200 candela straight ahead, and no more than 800 candela in any direction. These regulatory provisions were based on ILPE research and recommendations
Source thread here
Originally posted by smill141
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How this affects your warranty
Originally posted by Bigfeet76
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* Most CUK garages will make this change for you, and most will charge.
* By using a Lexia 3 Tool, this may void your warranty as per above.
Need to know more?
Try our library of threads:
- Running LED lights
- LED Daytime lights
- How-to-turn the Day Running Lights on
- drls
- LEDs with main headlights
- LED day lights when using full beam
- Day Lights
- LED light on all the time. Anyone found out how yet
- Day Running Lights
- Howto LEDs lit in the day and LED Hedlight in the night
- Led lights
- Lexia 3?
Search 'Lexia' 'DRL lights' 'LED Lights' 'Day time lights' etc etc
For all new people who are wondering about lights, I hope this clarifies things for you, or one of the above threads does. If you need to know more, please feel free to ask here, but please don't post a new thread for a topic that has been widely covered. It's not that we are reluctant to help, but this has been covered a lot and the majority of information is here on the site.
With thanks to Zack, Bigfeet and Woolsy
DS3club.co.uk accepts no responsibilty for any changes to the warranty of your vehicle should you chose to decide you alter your car from factory standard. Nor is this thread an encouragement to make changes to your vehicle. Owners do so at their own risk taking also into account legality