The displayed range is based off the data supplied to the computer at that moment. It's not worked from the data stored on the trip computers.
So when it says 600 miles the computer has based that estimate, yes estimate, off the variables it was supplied at the time such as road speed and current consumption in order to give you an idea. The range computer is not gospel and to be honest I'm surprised by people on here who think it is.
If it bugs people that much then switch it over to trip A and work up the mileage.
The displayed range is based off the data supplied to the computer at that moment. It's not worked from the data stored on the trip computers.
So when it says 600 miles the computer has based that estimate, yes estimate, off the variables it was supplied at the time such as road speed and current consumption in order to give you an idea. The range computer is not gospel and to be honest I'm surprised by people on here who think it is.
If it bugs people that much then switch it over to trip A and work up the mileage.