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Seen any others yet?

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  • #46
    I still haven't seen another one on the road!


    • #47
      Me neither...........although my son saw a white about a week after I got mine & he wasn't sure if it was me or not, and my 85 yr old mum spotted a black in her village


      • #48
        Not seen any others around my way yet.


        • #49
          And now there's one on British Eurosport. It seems to be watching Table tennis. A yellow and Black one.


          • #50
            White with black roof on the B1332 near Norwich (in Poringland - or Boringland, as it's widely known in these parts - to be precise).

            Gave a big smile and a friendly wave to the middle-aged female driver, who made eye contact but gave absolutely no sign of recognition ... nothing ... nada ... niente ... zilch !!

            What is it with some people?


            • #51
              Some people are just too dull to appreciate the awesomeness of the car they are in and the God-given right that they should be spreading their happiness to other owners of the same car when seen. Pah!


              • #52
                Originally posted by irishRob View Post
                Some people are just too dull to appreciate the awesomeness of the car they are in and the God-given right that they should be spreading their happiness to other owners of the same car when seen. Pah!
                There there Rob, don't work yourself up about it. people will seen realise DS3's without the club sticker aren't "real" DS drivers anyway lol
                Citroen DS3 White - Samuel


                • #53
                  Please no! I don't want to put any stickers on my lovely DS3 when I get it :s


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Advocate View Post
                    Please no! I don't want to put any stickers on my lovely DS3 when I get it :s
                    Oh go on, there better than dealer stickers and that. they're umm..."go faster" stickers
                    Citroen DS3 White - Samuel


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by parafox View Post
                      they're umm..."go faster" stickers


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Advocate View Post
                        Please no! I don't want to put any stickers on my lovely DS3 when I get it :s
                        Think they look great and I have to say it where Zack has put his ie; adjacent to shark fin, they look even better.


                        • #57
                          Merci Beacoup !


                          • #58
                            Saw a red DS3 the other day on Junction Road in Stockton as I was on my way to work, looked bloody lovely with the LEDs all glowy n sparkly. Wasn't you was it irishRob?


                            • #59
                              I'll think about the stickers but have to say I'm not convinced :|


                              • #60
                                seen 4 now the latter being a yellow/black roof in the cheshire oaks collesium shops last weekend, full chrome trims
                                very nice but dont think i could live with them WAS IT YOU???

